Top 9 Must-Have Project Management Software Features to Boost Your Productivity

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Whether you are a freelancer, a small business owner, or part of a larger team, effective project management is essential to the success of the project you are involved in. According to Upwork, nearly 7 out of 10 projects fail. Therefore, choosing the right software with the features you need to keep your team organized, on track, and focused is essential. In this list, we’ll highlight the top 9 project management software features that you should consider in choosing the software that will help you stay productive and achieve your goals

Project Management Software Feature #1: Task Management

Task management involves assigning and tracking tasks, setting deadlines and priorities, and using collaboration and communication tools to ensure that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.

Assigning and tracking tasks

You must be able to assign tasks to team members. Whatever project management software you are using should have this feature and a way or page that clearly states everyone’s responsibility and what is expected of them.

Tracking tasks is also a must-have, as it helps every member of the project see the progress of their work and those of others. Tracking allows for better collaboration and coordination among team members.

Tracking tasks also helps the team identify bottlenecks or delays and allows adjustments to be made as needed.

Setting deadlines and priorities

Setting deadlines is a crucial criterion to ensure the completion of tasks on time (and avoid failure). Your chosen software should allow you to prioritize tasks and allocate attention and resources accordingly.

Collaboration and communication tools

This set of tools will allow team members to collaborate on tasks in real time. It also allows them to share and even comment on documents. And most importantly, it helps maintain a centralised repository of project information, thus improving communication and coordination within the team

Project Management Software Feature #2: Gantt Charts

A Gantt chart is a popular and helpful way of displaying activities (tasks or events) against time. It allows the team members to see the big picture and identify project delays or bottlenecks.

Ensure that the software you are going to use has Gantt chats that allow for the adjustments and rescheduling of tasks when needed

Gantt Chat
A sample Gantt Chat (Courtesy Wikimedia)

Feature #3: Resource Management

A resource management feature allows teams to effectively and efficiently allocate resources (such as time, money, and personnel). This feature will enable teams to identify resources over- or under-utilization and make adjustments as needed to maximize efficiency and minimize waste.

Resource management also ensures that the right resources are available, improving the project’s overall success.

Feature #4: Budget Tracking

A budget tracking feature helps set and track project budgets. It enables team members to identify any cost overruns and devise solutions to stay within budget. Budget tracking also provides financial transparency to stakeholders, aiding in the development of trust and accountability.

Keeping track of project expenses and staying within budget can be difficult without budget tracking. This can result in cost overruns, putting financial strain on the project and potentially causing it to fail. A lack of budget tracking can also make it difficult to provide financial transparency to stakeholders, leading to a lack of trust and accountability.

Feature #5: Time Tracking

Time tracking is the process of recording and analyzing how much time employees spend on tasks.

A time-tracking feature helps identify and address time management issues within the team. It also enables accurate client billing, ensuring that the team is fairly compensated for their efforts.

Time tracking can also provide valuable insights into team members and the overall project’s efficiency and effectiveness.

Feature #6: Collaboration Tools

Collaboration tools are an essential project management software feature because they enable team members to communicate and collaborate effectively. Some examples of standard collaboration tools include:

  1. Chat: This allows team members to communicate real time and discuss project-related issues or concerns.
  2. File sharing: This allows team members to share documents, images, and files with one another, making it easier to collaborate on projects.
  3. Task assignments: This allows team members to assign tasks to one another and track the progress of those tasks.
  4. Version control: allows team members to track changes to a project and, if necessary, roll back to previous versions.

Collaboration tools enable team members to stay connected and on the same page, which is critical for project management success.

Feature #7: Reporting and Analytics

Users can track the progress and performance of their projects using reporting and analytics features. Some specific advantages of having reporting and analytics functionality include the following:

  1. Improved visibility: Reporting and analytics tools provide a clear and comprehensive picture of the project’s status, budget, and resources. This keeps team members and stakeholders up to date on the project and identifies potential problems.
  2. Better decision-making: By analyzing project data, team members can make more informed decisions about allocating resources and making necessary changes to the project plan.
  • Increased efficiency: Because team members can track and analyze project performance, they can identify areas where they can improve their work processes and become more efficient.

Feature #8: Customizable Workflows

Customizable workflows are the ability to set up and automate specific steps or processes required to complete a project. These workflows can be tailored to meet a team or organization’s particular needs and requirements.

Customizable workflows enable teams to define the specific steps or tasks that must be completed as part of a project and then set up the software to automatically move the project through those steps as it progresses.

This makes teams more organized and efficient because they don’t have to track and move the project through each step manually.

Customizable workflows can also aid in the streamlining and reduction of errors by allowing teams to configure the software in a way that aligns with their specific workflows and eliminates unnecessary steps.

For example, if a team has a specific process for reviewing and approving documents, they can configure the software to route documents through that process automatically, ensuring that they are reviewed and approved in a timely manner.

In terms of transparency and accountability, customizable workflows can help to provide visibility into project progress and completed tasks. This can help to ensure that team members are fulfilling their duties and that the project is progressing as planned.

Feature #9: Mobile Access

Mobile access is important because it allows team members to access and update project information while away from their desks using their smartphones or tablets. This is especially useful for team members who are constantly on the move or working remotely.

The following are some specific advantages of mobile access to project management software:

  1. Improved flexibility: With mobile access, team members can access and update project information from any location, which is especially beneficial for team members who work remotely or travel.
  • Enhanced collaboration: Mobile access allows team members to stay connected and collaborate in real-time, even when they are not in the same location. This can aid in improving communication and keeping projects on track.
  • Increased productivity: Team members can stay on top of their work and be more productive when they can access and update project information from their mobile devices, even when they are away from their desks.


Finally, having the software with the right project management software features can be a game changer in increasing productivity and ensuring project success.

Remembering that the right software for one team may not be the best fit for another is critical, so carefully evaluate and compare different options to find the software that best meets your team’s needs. Don’t be afraid to experiment with various software options to see which one works best for your team. With the right project management software in place, you’ll be well on your way to increasing team productivity and meeting project goals.

2 thoughts on “Top 9 Must-Have Project Management Software Features to Boost Your Productivity”

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  2. Pingback: What Are Gantt Charts In Project Management Software? - Next Business Tech

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